The World's Favorite Breeding Site for Flamingos Lake Natron, which is famous for its salinity and the unique consequences of this, The microorganisms that prefer an alkaline environment cause the lake’s russet tone, and you’ll see salt-crust rafts scattered in the shallows. Over half the world’s lesser flamingoes are born in the lake, and you are likely to see clouds of shimmering pink as the flamingoes settle and stalk on the still waters. You’ll explore a curious terrain of salt marshes and freshwater wetlands with its unique flora, leading to sparkling waterfalls. The lake is framed by the incredible Oldoinyo Lengai (Mountain of God in Maa, the language of Maasai people), an active volcano that carves out hornitos - incredible statues made of cooled lava. (We can arrange a climb up Oldoinyo Lengai – it’s an extra day to your adventure. Just ask us when you book!) You’ll spend the evening watching the sun set pink and gold over this incredible landscape, and dinner will be served as the first stars appear.


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