Located north of Tanzania, Tarangire National Park is one of the most beautiful safari parks in Tanzania, and is named after the river that runs through it, specifically the Tarangire River, which stretches to Lake Manyara National Park. Tarangire Park, also known as Tarangire National Park, is characterized by wild and fascinating views where the savannah dominates.

Tarangire National Park covers an area of 2,600 square kilometres, and is dotted with enormous baobabs, spectacular trees of incredible dimensions (they can reach heights of up to 25 m), particularly long-lasting and resistant with bloated trunks and bizarre, often bare foliage that looks very much like a root system. Though an iconic African tree known all over the world, it is also a source of food and medicine for locals, and is considered sacred by many tribes.

Flora and Fauna of Tarangire Park

Tarangire Park, unlike other parks such as Serengeti, has landscapes that tend to be more lush, due to the presence of the Tarangire river that runs through it, around which you can find lush alluvial plains, woods, forests and marshes. Peculiar to this park is the presence of two trees: the baobab, being the park with the highest number of these specimens, and the umbrella acacia, known as Acacia Tortillis.

Migrations are one of the most popular features of this park, and migration flows determine the presence of different animals depending on the time of year in which we are. We usually recommend visiting the Tarangire during the dry season, as there is a higher concentration of animals in all of Tanzania’s parks during this period. During the dry season, usually from August to October, Tarangire Park hosts a mass migration of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes and elephants, concentrated mainly around the remaining pools of water in the river.

In addition to these animals, you can also see alcelaphus, cudus, dik-diks, over 500 bird species, and even some of the most enchanting felines, such as African lions and cheetahs, in Tarangire National Park.  Elephants, in particular, have a very high presence throughout the year, and it is easy to find them in groups, even at a very close proximity.

Tarangire National Park is also known as the Park of the Giants, thanks to the presence of huge specimens in both its flora and fauna, such as baobabs and elephants.


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